Replicate Alarms&Event to Pi Server

While using Alarms and Events for top level reporting/analytics with PI Server, what is the preferred architecture?

At the plant level we have SP with Historian and we expect to replicate timeseries data with the native publisher. The A&E check is disabled. Does anyone have an idea if this feature will be implemented?

Also I notice that A&E can be replicated to AVEVA Insight, but disabled with CONNECT Data Service. 

  • Hi Jakob,

    The PI System does not store Alarms & Events in a traditional sense, hence such records cannot be replicated from the Historian. I'm optimistic that Alarms & Events will be supported by CONNECT data services eventually, if not already.

  • I realize now that Historian thread fits better for this dialogue. But anyways - Since PI is our preferred tier 2, I am curious what as the best practice for replicating A&E.

  • We’re using store procedure and push alarms and events through the live data pipe of historian and PI. I can show you what we ve done for a customer. That’s not ideal but both systems are completely different in terms of alarms & events and that’s the only solution we’ve found

  • Of course you can get them by using a PI interface as well. The flow is however different 

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