Visual Basic Description From Screen Attribute

Hello I Want to know if it is possible to read from Visual Basic the "Description" from a Screen attribute? 

  • Sorry, no. Per the help document:

    "This is a brief description of the project screen, for your own convenience. It is not shown anywhere during run time."

    If you want to know what screen is open you can load a string tag (for example "currentScreen") with a text value (for example "Test") using the "onOpen" screen logic (built in scripting) or Screen Script (VBScript).

    Alternatively there is a way to do this with the Open function using custom properties, but the way I mentioned above is straight forward and easy.

  • Thank you Scott

    Please Correct me if I'm wrong. (This is what you recommend)

    1. Create a Strin tag

    2. Include a Screen Script

    3. Put the following code:

    'This procedure is executed just once when this screen is open.
    Sub Screen_OnOpen()
            ' Set the Name of the Screen
             $HMI_ScreenName = "My Screen Name"
    End Sub

    Best Regards and thank you

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