Animation Issues

Hello. I am having a small issue with animations.

I can change the visibility of an object in real time by assigning it to a 'bit' tag, but find that using GETBIT to look at a bit within a word tag does NOT update during real time, only when the screen is 'started'.

I am monitoring the word, and it updates as it should.

Is there any way to 'force' the screen to update (or at least the animation to update) if the monitored tag updates?

  • Bob,

    If you are using an integer, you should be able to base the visibility based on the properties of the tag. For example you can use the syntax Tagname->B0 to look at bit 0

    note the syntax is a hyphen or minus, then greater than. Looks like a little arrow.


    Temperature->B2 to look at the 3rd bit.

    In the help, you can find a complete list of tag properties for some really nice features:

    Hope this helps.


  • Bob,

    If you are using an integer, you should be able to base the visibility based on the properties of the tag. For example you can use the syntax Tagname->B0 to look at bit 0

    note the syntax is a hyphen or minus, then greater than. Looks like a little arrow.


    Temperature->B2 to look at the 3rd bit.

    In the help, you can find a complete list of tag properties for some really nice features:

    Hope this helps.

