I tried to show Data from Historian in Edge Trend like displayed here: www.youtube.com/watch but it doesn't display any Data. The SQL Command works in SQL manager and also excel. It flickers but doesn't load any data. I did it exactly like in the Video tutorial. This is from Studio database gateway: [ERROR]
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.<ConStr: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security=SSPI; Initial Catalog=Runtime; Data Source=SRV-ENERGIE><Table: select DateTime, TagName, Value from Runtime.dbo.History Where TagName = 'SysTimeSec'><SQL: SELECT DateTime, Tagname, Value FROM select DateTime, TagName, Value from Runtime.dbo.History Where TagName = 'SysTimeSec'>
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.<ConStr: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security=SSPI; Initial Catalog=Runtime; Data Source=SRV-ENERGIE><Table: select DateTime, TagName, Value from Runtime.dbo.History Where TagName = 'SysTimeSec'><SQL: SELECT DateTime, Tagname, Value FROM select DateTime, TagName, Value from Runtime.dbo.History Where TagName = 'SysTimeSec'>