Autoreplicaton on tier-2 and methods to quickly populate tier-2 with tier-1 data

Autoreplicaton is automatically done on tags on tier-1. But is it also done on tags on tier-2 when they are replicated with "simple replication"? The implication being that retrieval on tier-2 for trending (BestFit) will be as fast as on tier-1?

Another question regarding setting up tier-2 for the first time; If a customer has a tier-1 Historian connected to System Platform and would like that data to be available in a new tier-2 Historian, would this install path be feasible:

1. Install tier-2 with runtime database and history blocks from tier-1. (TagName = TagA)

2. Set up replication from tier-1 to tier-2 (TagName = prefix.TagA)

3. Shut down tier-2 Historian

4. Tag rename (TagA -> prefix.TagA)

5. Start tier-2 Historian

This install would make the install and data available within hours instead of doing costly backfill operations that could take a while to complete. In theory, we should also have auto replication data available. I don't think that would be available with backfill at all.

  • Yes, auto-summary is also applied in the "tier 2" for replicated tags. However, to make it retroactive, you would have to use the backfill utility. 

    The general idea in your workflow above is valid, but the order is a little off. It would need to be:

    1. Install tier-2 with runtime database and history blocks from tier-1. (TagName = TagA)
    2. Shut down tier-2 Historian
    3. Tag rename (TagA -> prefix.TagA)
    4. Start tier-2 Historian
    5. Set up replication from tier-1 to tier-2 (TagName = prefix.TagA)

    The reason is that all the historical data is stored based on a TagId. When a source system (in this case, the "tier 1", but can also apply for a AppEngine, SDK app, etc.) first tries to create the destination tag , if it finds a matching (name, type, description, etc.) tag that already exists, it keeps it's existing TagId and uses that rather than creating a new TagId.

    One other note: the reason Replication has a "prefix" is to avoid name collisions when consolidating tags from multiple source systems. If the "tier 2" will only have replicated tags from a single source, you don't need to use the prefix and can skip a lot of the steps above.  

  • Yes, auto-summary is also applied in the "tier 2" for replicated tags. However, to make it retroactive, you would have to use the backfill utility. 

    The general idea in your workflow above is valid, but the order is a little off. It would need to be:

    1. Install tier-2 with runtime database and history blocks from tier-1. (TagName = TagA)
    2. Shut down tier-2 Historian
    3. Tag rename (TagA -> prefix.TagA)
    4. Start tier-2 Historian
    5. Set up replication from tier-1 to tier-2 (TagName = prefix.TagA)

    The reason is that all the historical data is stored based on a TagId. When a source system (in this case, the "tier 1", but can also apply for a AppEngine, SDK app, etc.) first tries to create the destination tag , if it finds a matching (name, type, description, etc.) tag that already exists, it keeps it's existing TagId and uses that rather than creating a new TagId.

    One other note: the reason Replication has a "prefix" is to avoid name collisions when consolidating tags from multiple source systems. If the "tier 2" will only have replicated tags from a single source, you don't need to use the prefix and can skip a lot of the steps above.  
