I run a Standalone Historian without system platform. Currently my HIstorian does not connect to the OI ABCIP Driver topics. Any ideas

  • I can't be certain from what you've shared, but it looks like you might have multiple instances of the ABCIP communications driver configured on this node (the hint is the ".2" in the name). If so, the additional instances will have different executable name (normally with a numeric suffix like "_1") and that needs to be included in the Historian's I/O Server specification. You'll have to manually add a "new I/O server type" in the OCMC using that name (e.g. "ABCIP_1") and select that.

  • Hi, keep in mind that a Historian connection uses both application name (abcip) and a topic (device group name) to identify the connection to the PLC.

    In my (live) example above there is also the .2 and that should not cause any issue in Historian as long as you do not have multiple instances running as pointed out by Elliott, but your screenshot does seem to have any nodes under Diagnostics / Device Groups.
    This indicates that the server does not have any active clients registered correctly, it could be due to multiple issues, but I would start by reviewing the Log Viewer to se if any errors give an indication on what is going on.
    Look for device group / topic errors or even Suitlink encryption errors.

    To follow up my first comment in this post, the topic used in historian, needs to be the same as in the OI Server Device Groups tab.

    Also make sure that you have not selected DDE as Protocol type in your config :)

    Verify Device Group Names for your PLC and make sure you use the same in Topic config

    ensure that your tag is using the configuration

    After committing the changes, it should establish connection.

    I hope it helps