Tier'd 2+ AVEVA Historian Requirements - Advanced Historian and SQL Enterprise

Hi all,

I have a general question for the AVEVA Historian.
Historically on older versions of Historian, the requirements for a Tier 2 Historian is Advanced Historian (formerly Enterprise) with Entperise SQL.
I'm assuming under the current version of AVEVA Historian 2023R2, this still holds true for Tier2+ Historian to be SQL Server Enterprise + Advanced Historian. Eg: Options shown below:-

Local Historian (Tier 1) --> Advanced Historian (Tier 2), Enterprise SQL
Standard Historian (Tier 1) --> Advanced Historian (Tier 2), Enterprise SQL
Standard Historian (Tier 1) --> Advanced Historian (Tier 2), Enterprise SQL --> Advanced Historian (Tier N+), Enterprise SQL

Can you please advice/confirm.



  • The premium edition of Historian 2020 R2 and earlier was labeled "Enterprise Edition", which was renamed starting in Historian 2023 as "Advanced Edition".

    Although SQL Server Standard was included with some Historian licenses (which ones varied by version and time of purchase), there has never been a hard requirement for SQL Server Standard--many applications work perfectly fine with SQL Express and would not even benefit from Standard. SQL Server Enterprise has never been required, except for the InSQL 9.0 "Enterprise Edition", which required SQL Server Cluster support (which was removed in later versions). 

    Typical data acquisition makes very light use of SQL Server, but query workloads can see more benefit from SQL Server Standard (and possibly more from Enterprise). 

    To receive replicated data from another AVEVA Historian requires the "Advanced" (or, for older releases, "Enterprise") Edition. All Historians can be a replication source