AVEVA Intouch using single thread or multi thread ?

Does AVEVA Intouch support multi thread ? Does it only use a single core or will it use multiple cores ?  How does this affect AVEVA Intouch performance ?

  •   any comments on this please ? Any plans to make it multi-thread for performance ?

  • Hi,

    An InTouch solution may include a fair amount of components and processes such as view.exe, alarm manager, communication drivers, web server, Historian, Reports, etc.

    These processes are subject to load balancing by the operating system whcih will utilize mutliple CPU cores when such are available.

    View.exe is, however, monolithic and will not distribute across cores. At least not in a simple single-node architecture. For larger applications, say 100k+ tags, we recommend a tag server architecture which splits the tag server from visualization client processes. This can be achieve with either dedicated client nodes or with a single Remote Desktop Services host. In case of RDS hosting, the view.exe sessions for server and clients will be separate processes which the operating system may schedule across multiple cores.

    As we progress forward with significant investments in future versions of InTouch, you will see an increased granularity in the software architecture as well as adaptation to parallel processing as opposed to high Hz processing.     

  • Hi,

    An InTouch solution may include a fair amount of components and processes such as view.exe, alarm manager, communication drivers, web server, Historian, Reports, etc.

    These processes are subject to load balancing by the operating system whcih will utilize mutliple CPU cores when such are available.

    View.exe is, however, monolithic and will not distribute across cores. At least not in a simple single-node architecture. For larger applications, say 100k+ tags, we recommend a tag server architecture which splits the tag server from visualization client processes. This can be achieve with either dedicated client nodes or with a single Remote Desktop Services host. In case of RDS hosting, the view.exe sessions for server and clients will be separate processes which the operating system may schedule across multiple cores.

    As we progress forward with significant investments in future versions of InTouch, you will see an increased granularity in the software architecture as well as adaptation to parallel processing as opposed to high Hz processing.     
