Problem with Archestra Multimonitor with Intouch 2017

I have a problem with Archestra Multimonitor with Intouch 2017. I have my screen in archestra and I create Windows in Inotuch with reference an archestra. The windows in intouch is popup. The multimonitor is ok but the problem it is memory when I open screens the memory in view.exe increase until 1,8 GB and the application start to be slow.I modify in intouch the windows in replace the memory is ok 200MB view.exe but the application is not multimonitor. ¿How I can create multimonitor in archestra 2017?

  • I think the WindowViewer configuration for window memory management in WSP 2017 had the option to "cache Archestra graphics".  If so, then disable the ArchestrA graphics caching to see if that helps your memory situation.

  • Also, the popups can overlay each other and they are 'in memory' until they are closed.  You can close windows by name in InTouch scripting.  Other users have written scripts to keep track of what popups are open and they can then reference data (use of memory string tags or otherwise) to close some of them down as others are opened up.  When you switched to Replace style, then those will automatically close for you any InTouch window it contacts/overlaps when it is opened up.  I think that is a big difference between your memory consumption.