SA Project - Info Zone - Interlock Permissives


Wondering if there is a way to add simple permissives to this list without needing to add Equipment References. I have permissives in PLC logic that I have an Equipment item (DIGITAL Tag), and simply would like to configure a list here. Those PLC permissives are sometimes based on complex calculations performed in the controller and can't be tied to a simple, "Valve is opened", "Temp is above the Low Limit" types of references.



  • I am trying to do this as well... any progress or solutions you found ?
    Any idea?
    Or you?
  • Alexander,

    Since part of the interlock are configured in the Runtime Parameters, you need to specify an item (DIGITAL or INT with 0/1) in the Value field. You just tie a PLC variable tag to that Equipment's item. Perform the logic in the PLC that controls the value of the item.

    Be aware that you'll need to create an additional Alarm category for the interlocks in order for you to hide the alarm from the active alarm page. You'll need to add an alarm to the item with your new category.

    You will then need to setup the Equipment references. This will tie the two things together for the interlock to finally work. We currently only have simple interlocks, like you can't open a vent valve until the block valve is closed. We have plans to add enhanced interlocks in the near future.

    All that being said, we don't use any of the interlock bypass functions due to the the nature of our operation. So if you need to use the bypass feature, that'll be something I have no experience with.

    Hope this helps you,

  • Hi Chris,

    So are you saying you have an interlock which is between and Equipment and other factors rather than another piece of equipment?

    So like: PUMP001.ComplexCalcItem -> PLC logic

    If so, I guess you could "interlock" to yourself for that purpose?

    e.g. PUMP001.Running -> PUMP001.ComplexCalcItem.

    I think that would work.

  • Hi

    Yes this is exactly what i did. I referenced the local equipment and that seems to work.

    The reason i want to do this is to not have to change references for a particular interlock inte borg Scada and Plc. I find it best to not duplicate the code(having the interlock logic both in Scada and Plc) but instead only using internal interlocks for easy of dev and maintenance... will see if it pans out bu so far it looks promising!
