In the past I have been developing relatively small SCADA projects with Citect and for navigation I always used direct buttons on a template. These buttons would have indicators to show is an active alarm was present on the page, if an override existed on the page or if a process activity was active. In a way this was a fairly decent way of providing situational awareness to operators.
I now am developing a project with way too many graphic screens and it is no longer practical to use my button approach. I looked at the example project and really like the treeview object, tied in with a page hierarchy defined in Visualisation/Menu Configuration I think it would look really neat. if the tree page links also can have various indicators next to them to draw operators to the pages that have an alarm than this would be even better.
I have no need as of yet for any other features of the SA project, and I don't intend to use the panes defined and here I get stuck.
I get the feeling you either need to commit fully to the SA methodology and project style or not use it all; I like to think I can do a fair bit of Cicode coding but I have been going at this for a few days now and I am not making any progress. I get my page tree to work in the example project but the moment I move it into my own project it fails and breaks. I try to debug, create a workspace, define panes even but it becomes really messy really quickly.
Can someone give me some feedback; is it possible to achieve what I want (a tree list with all the pages in my project as defined by me in the "Menu Configuration", each with up to 4 indicators behind the page to show if there is an alarm (plus a count), an override, and an active process.
Should I abandon trying to decipher the SA project, should I try and use the Library control tree from the SXW style (although this seems more limited and seems to 'claim' an area of the display. I hope this all makes sense!