Citect Connector V3.0

Hello all,

Why citect conenctor V3.0 is not recommended to run on Historian PC.

What precautions should we care if architechure demands to run citect connector on a historian PC.

Warm regards


  • Hi Hemant,
    There isn't anything stopping you from running the connector on the Historian machine, but it won't be best practice or the recommended architecture. This might still be ok for your setup. Let me elaborate...
    The Connector has a "store and forward" functionality on the interface to Historian. Such that if there is any disconnection, it is able to buffer samples to file, then send them when connection is re-stablished.
    The CTAPI interface is a different kettle of fish, and it depends on what type of data you are querying. For example, if you are polling Variable tag data (digital tags or string tags) this is a real time interface and any interruption to this data stream cannot be recovered. So it makes sense to locate the connector as close to the data source to minimise any interruptions.
    On the other hand, Trend and Alarm data is buffered in trend history files and the alarm database, so even if there is a long disconnection between SCADA and Connector, it should still be able to continue polling data from where it left off once the connection is up again.
    Hope this helps.
    Kind regards
  • Thank you..noted the points you put in your expleanation..