Find operation returns matches for deleted items

After deleting some alarms from a Citect 2018R2 update 07 system (including deleting various alarm records, variable tags, labels, Cicode file updates and removing genie instances from Pages) I then ran a 'Find' on one of the deleted alarm references to ensure I'd not missed anything.

But instead if getting the expected '0 matches' result the 'Find' produced multiple hits for the deleted alarm reference, all of which with 'Item' and 'Location' columns blank in the Find results window. So double-clicking on any of them (or clicking Go To button) has no effect. All of the matches were with 'Graphics' checked under Search options, if Graphics is un-checked then no matches are found.

I've now tried Packing the project, performing Update Pages on the project, and even (as a test) deleting the applicable Page and trying again. None of these things have resolved the issue.

Are the matches being detected in the pgdynobj.DBF file?

Has anyone else seen this before and can anybody suggest how it can be resolved?


  • It could be remnants of the deleted items in the CTG file. Have you tried turning off the option "Fast Update Pages" in the Graphics Builder and then perform an Update Pages on the project?

    I usually perform a text search on all files in a project using Total Commander when I doubt the results of Citect's Search and Replace tool. When I find a remnant of text in the CTG but not in the CTF file, then it's not important. CTG files are not cleaned very good by the Graphics Builder.

    For Total Commander there's also a nice plugin to be able to quickly view dbf files, called BaseView.
    For editing Citect dbf files I only use Citect's official Excel AddOn. Other external tools, like the old Citect SAVE_DBF macro and OpenOffice can break the integrity of the dbf files very easily.

  • It could be remnants of the deleted items in the CTG file. Have you tried turning off the option "Fast Update Pages" in the Graphics Builder and then perform an Update Pages on the project?

    I usually perform a text search on all files in a project using Total Commander when I doubt the results of Citect's Search and Replace tool. When I find a remnant of text in the CTG but not in the CTF file, then it's not important. CTG files are not cleaned very good by the Graphics Builder.

    For Total Commander there's also a nice plugin to be able to quickly view dbf files, called BaseView.
    For editing Citect dbf files I only use Citect's official Excel AddOn. Other external tools, like the old Citect SAVE_DBF macro and OpenOffice can break the integrity of the dbf files very easily.

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