Alarmlog wrong entry in Field {Comment}


I'm using Citect Version 8.10.

I have a problem with recording alarms.

I have defined two devices ("Alarmfile" and "Alarmlog") with the following format:

Recording alarms to DBF files works fine, but if the Comment field is left empty the status of the alarm (ON) is recorded in the DBF file instead of remaining empty.

Does anyone have a suggestion how I can solve this problem.

Thanks a lot

  • Your screenshot of the Alarm Category shows that you're displaying the 'AlmComment' field, which is for the comments defined in the project. But, your System Device definition shows that you're logging the 'Comment' field, which is for the comments entered by the user in the runtime. Which one do you want? Did you intend for the predefined comment to be displayed on screen, but for only the user comment to be written to the log file?

    It looks like you're using AlarmLog for your Summary Device. That looks like it is configured correctly to log Alarm Summary fields, such as ontime/offtime/sumdesc/comment. However, you are using AlarmFile for your Log Device. That should be using fields like time/date/desc/almcomment (see the help page: System Model > Alarms > Customize Alarm Pages > Alarm Display Fields) . I don't believe the 'Comment' field is valid to use in a Log Device. The documentation of the Comment field is missing in Citect 2018r2, but in older versions of Citect, it was listed as an Alarm Summary field only.