Trying to Log alarms from


I am trying to log devices in two devices. One is supposed to be Store all the alarm history (AlarmSysDB) and the other is supposed to have logged those same alarms, but ill manage to filter them and erase forward in the process (the process was disabled for this testing phase).

I've configured like the image above, but I am not reaching consistent results. I can't have alarms logged in AlarmSysDB, and I could find alarms in the AlarmAtlasDB, but just for some seconds, after that they're somehow erased. I looked for any possibility of edition of those in the program and I am 100% sure that I am not erasing or even opening the devices or the DBF files in any process.

Am I missing some parameters. I've checked and all the parameters affecting alarm or device categories are with default values, or are not relevant for this matter.

Does anyone have some suggestions?