the function of expressing ,(Comma) every thousand (cicode & ciVBA)

Hi, Everyone. I'm Kang.

I'm testing the function of expressing ,(Comma) every thousand in analog data.

Through several samples, I checked the functionality.

However, I've to use this function in Super Genie.

I created a function that uses ciVBA in cicode.
The return value of this function does not work normally, so it is not displayed on the screen.

Could you please help me if I have written something wrong


STRING sInput ;

STRING sOutput ;

REAL rPE = TagRead(sTag);

sInput = rPE ;
sOutput = VbCallReturn(VbCallRun(VbCallOpen("FormatTheReal", sInput)));
RETURN sOutput;


Function FormatTheReal (Byval iInVal As Single) As string
Dim sFormattedValue As String
Dim iTagValue As Single
iTagValue = iInVal
sFormattedValue = Format (iTagValue, "Standard")
FormatTheReal = sFormattedValue
End Function

  • It seems simple to use the VB format function to do the conversion, but it is better to just use Cicode. Here's a function I wrote to do the same thing in just Cicode. It is designed to be able to be called from a graphics expression.

    // ValToCDel function
    // Converts an INT, UINT, LONG, or REAL value to a Comma-Delimited-Value
    // (a string with commas as thousands separators)
    // Arguments: 	sInput	Input value
    //		iMode	0 Value is INT, UINT, or LONG (Default)
    //			1 Value is REAL
    // Return Value: String with commas
    // Example: String Expression (on a graphic page): ValToCDel(IntTag)
    // If IntTag is -12345, then the string will display as: -12,345
    // For a number with decimals, you have to use mode 1. Example: ValToCDel(AnalogTag, 1)
    STRING FUNCTION ValToCDel(STRING sInput, INT iMode = 0)
    	STRING sOutput;		// Output value
    	STRING sPrefix;		// Holds "-" if needed
    	STRING sSuffix;		// Holds decimal places if needed
    	SELECT CASE iMode
    		CASE 0	// Integer
    			sInput = StrToInt(sInput);	// Strip off decimals (default format adds .00)
    		CASE 1	// Real
    			sSuffix = StrRight(sInput, StrLength(sInput) - StrSearch(0, sInput, "."));	// Copy decimals into separate string
    			sInput = StrToInt(StrLeft(sInput, StrSearch(0, sInput, ".")));				// Strip decimals off input string
    	IF StrToInt(sInput) < 0 THEN		// If input string is negative, move "-" into separate string
    		sPrefix = "-";
    		sInput = StrRight(sInput, StrLength(sInput) - 1);
    	WHILE sInput <> "" DO
    		sOutput = StrRight(sInput, 1) + sOutput;			// Copy 1 char from input string to output string
    		sInput = StrLeft(sInput, StrLength(sInput) - 1);	// Delete last char from input string
    		IF ((StrLength(sOutput) + 1) MOD 4 = 0) AND (StrLength(sInput) >= 1) THEN		// IF output string length is a multiple of 4 (3 digits + comma) and input string still has more chars THEN
    			sOutput = "," + sOutput;							// Add comma
    	sOutput = sPrefix + sOutput + sSuffix;		// Add "-" and decimal places if used
    	RETURN sOutput;
  • It seems simple to use the VB format function to do the conversion, but it is better to just use Cicode. Here's a function I wrote to do the same thing in just Cicode. It is designed to be able to be called from a graphics expression.

    // ValToCDel function
    // Converts an INT, UINT, LONG, or REAL value to a Comma-Delimited-Value
    // (a string with commas as thousands separators)
    // Arguments: 	sInput	Input value
    //		iMode	0 Value is INT, UINT, or LONG (Default)
    //			1 Value is REAL
    // Return Value: String with commas
    // Example: String Expression (on a graphic page): ValToCDel(IntTag)
    // If IntTag is -12345, then the string will display as: -12,345
    // For a number with decimals, you have to use mode 1. Example: ValToCDel(AnalogTag, 1)
    STRING FUNCTION ValToCDel(STRING sInput, INT iMode = 0)
    	STRING sOutput;		// Output value
    	STRING sPrefix;		// Holds "-" if needed
    	STRING sSuffix;		// Holds decimal places if needed
    	SELECT CASE iMode
    		CASE 0	// Integer
    			sInput = StrToInt(sInput);	// Strip off decimals (default format adds .00)
    		CASE 1	// Real
    			sSuffix = StrRight(sInput, StrLength(sInput) - StrSearch(0, sInput, "."));	// Copy decimals into separate string
    			sInput = StrToInt(StrLeft(sInput, StrSearch(0, sInput, ".")));				// Strip decimals off input string
    	IF StrToInt(sInput) < 0 THEN		// If input string is negative, move "-" into separate string
    		sPrefix = "-";
    		sInput = StrRight(sInput, StrLength(sInput) - 1);
    	WHILE sInput <> "" DO
    		sOutput = StrRight(sInput, 1) + sOutput;			// Copy 1 char from input string to output string
    		sInput = StrLeft(sInput, StrLength(sInput) - 1);	// Delete last char from input string
    		IF ((StrLength(sOutput) + 1) MOD 4 = 0) AND (StrLength(sInput) >= 1) THEN		// IF output string length is a multiple of 4 (3 digits + comma) and input string still has more chars THEN
    			sOutput = "," + sOutput;							// Add comma
    	sOutput = sPrefix + sOutput + sSuffix;		// Add "-" and decimal places if used
    	RETURN sOutput;
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