Deployment Manager and extraneous Devices/Files

Have projects where there are many files in subdirectories of the projects.  Reference .PDF's, and things that are just things Citect displays in the project.

Works quite well on a normal restore.

However, using Deployment manager, these files get stripped off. 

Custom files seem not to get unzipped anywhere but the project itself.

Is there some method of deploying these extraneous files that would keep them with the project?

  • Yes I'd be interested in this as well. An included project we have for communications has a DBF for the SNMP driver. I tried included it in the 'included files' section. I was able to specify the source path correctly and it gets picked up in the '' but I can't work out how to set the target destination.
  • The Custom Files help (Setup > Custom Files > Include Custom Files) says the files will be extracted under the project folder unless you specify a Destination Location path. Also, the help says you can use relative paths, which means you can specify a folder above or in the same parent folder as your project.

    I went in the Example project and duplicated one of the custom file definitions that had a destination folder specified. It was "\HTML Content\", which would extract to the [RUN]\Example\HTML Content folder. I changed it to "..\OtherProject\HTML Content\". The ".." means the parent folder. So, when I deployed the project and ran it, you can see it created the "OtherProject\HTML Content" folder under the version 1 folder which contained the Example project and any included projects. You should also be able to specify a hard-coded path if you don't want the files under a project's folder.

  • I guess just a silly error on my part - The file name can't have the backslash in front of it.
    Works like a charm - exactly the way I want.