Alarm Custom1 property string data fails to display on graphics page.


In my project I want some static alarm property information to be displayed on graphics pages.
Our static information is written as strings in the alarms table fields "Alarm Desc" and "Comment" properties.
Displaying the information in the "Alarm Desc" property performs well using a string expression like "AlarmTag.Desc" on the graphics page.

For some reason, displaying the string value in the property "Comment" by putting the string expression "AlarmTag.Comment" on the graphics page fails. The error message "Some variable tags were not found" shows up. Seems that the "Comment" property is not supported for access on the graphics page.

So in order to display the information in the "Comment" field on a graphics page I tried to copy the string in this field into the "Custom1" field and put the string expression "AlarmTag.Custom1" on my graphics page but nothing appears on the graphics page at runtime. Neither information or error code, simply nothing.

Can somebody enlighten this issue?

  • Hi

    As highlighted by once i added the [Alarm]UseConfigLimits=1 ini file parameter it now works for the Custom1 Field (besides the "AlmComment" one ).Will edit my response as well.

    The hacky way you could get around the Alarm Comment if you really really really want to and can't find a native alternative to work then you can copy the Alarm Comment  to Custom2. Not the best as this is essentially duplication and then having the onus on a person to make sure whenever they update/add an alarm to also copy the comment to Custom2

  • Hi

    As highlighted by once i added the [Alarm]UseConfigLimits=1 ini file parameter it now works for the Custom1 Field (besides the "AlmComment" one ).Will edit my response as well.

    The hacky way you could get around the Alarm Comment if you really really really want to and can't find a native alternative to work then you can copy the Alarm Comment  to Custom2. Not the best as this is essentially duplication and then having the onus on a person to make sure whenever they update/add an alarm to also copy the comment to Custom2

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