Playing .WAV files from Citect

After fighting with playing .WAV files from Citect, I am still having a bit of an issue.

Using Windows Media player, it seems that it attempts to connect to the internet, even though I have turned off everything in the settings except for associating the music files with .WAV files.  This gives a blue rotating circle and a program running indication in the Task bar.  We have had this happen to the point where the Citect program becomes unresponsive until the operations are finished.

The systems I work on do not have internet connections, so this must be due to retrying and eventually failing.

Question here is if anybody has used another lightweight program that just plays the file without the overhead?

I am assuming that Windows Media Player does not give the ability to turn these things off, but maybe I have missed them.

  • We use DspPlaySound() function with no issues, clients are running on Windows 10. Code example below.


    We also leverage the Text To Speech functions located in the file, though our operators seems convinced that Steven Hawking is talking due to the digitized speech.
  • We use DspPlaySound() function with no issues, clients are running on Windows 10. Code example below.


    We also leverage the Text To Speech functions located in the file, though our operators seems convinced that Steven Hawking is talking due to the digitized speech.
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