Citect events problem

I have a project running 29 global events to store Maximum values in a DSK device. This configuration has worked great for years. Recently I have tried to add 8 more identical (except for tag names) global events, and I cannot get them to work. I have gone as far as to export the events to a csv, delete them all, and restart the system without events. then import them back in and restart the system with events. the old events go right back to working, and the new events still don't work. Any suggestions are appreciated.

  • Hi
    Which version of Citect are you using?
    Are the new events enabled?
  • 2018, all are configured as global events, the events that have been there for 2 years work fine the new ones do not.
  • Make sure you are doing a full compile. Either disable the Incremental Compile option in the Citect Studio Options and recompile, or compile twice in a row with Incremental Compile enabled.

    If that doesn't help, it is possible the events are being terminated with an error. You should see errors on the hardware alarms page. You could log messages from the event actions to the Citect Kernel window to verify which events are starting or finishing.

    Edit the Action field of your events to run the TraceMsg() function first, and possibly again after the other command(s). For example...

    Action: TraceMsg("Evt30 Start"); DiskTag30 = PLCTag30; TraceMsg("Evt30 End");
  • Good to hear that your global event is working. We are mostly running with time and period based global events but it is not working. i will be glad if you or any one shares a success story with me. i wondering what we are missing. it worked fine when using citect scada 6.1 till we upgraded to 8.
  • So when I check the Kernel, events I added the trace to that were working before, are still working and logging. Events that weren't working that I added the trace to don't show up in the kernel. maybe this will help things along, maybe it will sound crazy. UPDATE: I moved the logic to set a max value tag to a plc and deleted one of the events that was still working. After deleting that old event still works.
  • You deleted an event, compiled, and restarted the runtime and it is still executing that event?

    Do you have multiple clients or servers that may be running the event (global events run on the client process of all clients and servers that have the event system enabled). Maybe one of them didn't get restarted or isn't getting project updates.

    Make sure you don't have the [CTEdit] Copy citect.ini parameter set or the runtime will be overwriting the runtime project files with the version from the Copy path. That could be overwriting the changes you're making to the local project. Using the deployment feature would cause a similar problem where the runtime will run the last deployed project from the deployment server, not the local project. Run the Computer Setup Wizard to select to run the project from 'Local Engineering Environment'.
  • They are not setup for automatic deployment, local installation only (IT department rules), restarted al of them and hey are linked to the server project not installed on each client. I will try to compile on the clients and see what happens.