SA Project - Navigation Zone Menu -Increase Number of Nav Buttons


I'm using the default navigation zone page: PageNagivation_1TabRow_HD1080, this has by default 5 level 2 buttons and 20 sub level (level 3 buttons). 

I would like to be able to increase both level 2 and level 3 buttons. 

What is the appropriate way of doing this? I tried to increase the "On Page Shown" function _PageNavigation_OnInit(5,20,3) to ..(7,20,3) but had no luck with that. 

Once again, appreciate any input and help,



  • Hi Rune,

    You need to do the following:

    1. Copy PageNavigation_1TabRow_HD1080 and save into your project
    2. Resize it to match your workspace pane. I imagine you have a custom workspace design
    3. Add your two extra tabs.
    4. On each tab of the new tabs, right click and select 'Properties..."
    5. Go to the Access > General Tab
    6. Change the name field to 'Tab6' and 'Tab7' respectively
    7. Open up the Page Properties and change the OnpageShown even to "_PageNavigation_OnInit(7,20,3)"
    8. Open up your Master page, find your navigation zone pane, and set the default page to your new Navigation Page.
    9. Compile and Run

    CAUTION: Adding Tabs means more alarm counts, and not just those you see on the tab. We count all the buttons that will be under that tab as well. So you need test that your client can handle the load, and you need to check your server can handle the load of all your connected clients. As an example the default HD nav panel is about ~1200 alarm counts.


  • Hi Bradley,
    Thanks again for your input and help.

    I made an attempt where I did it slightly different as I want to keep the default workspace.
    I changed the size of the buttons. Our basic configuration only needs max 3 alarm groups to be counted and shown on the nav buttons hence I was able to reduce the size and arrange my nav setup within the default workspace.

    You mention HD nav panel is about 1200 alarm counts, don't see this as a problem for our applications.
    For my understanding, what would happen if we exceed the 1200 alarm counts?

  • Hi Rune,

    The UHD template has about 1400 counts as it has 6 tabs vs 5 for the HD, so the number of counts is not necessarily a problem.

    The number of counts simply increases the amount of processing that is done on the server. The client will also work a little harder as well as the assembly of the nav zone is cicode. So all you need to do is size your h/w correctly and test. Make sure you leave cpu/memory headroom for other activities the machines need to do e.g. Windows Updates, virus scanners, Citect deployment etc.

