Citect SCADA 2018 R2 - Cluster Definition

Hello everyone,

I'm studying to use the Citect SCADA, I created the Cluster1 before and select "Include" at column "Project" in tab "Edit" of "Topology". After clicking the save button, it disappeared and I can not find the "Cluster1" in the tab "Edit", but when I check the view by Cluster, it still is there. The picture is below. 

Now I can only create the cluster with a different name from "Cluster1" (For example ClusterA).

Can somebody help me to explain what is this and how can I find the Cluster1 to delete? I already find the information in the Citect SCADA web help, but I can not find the relevant information.

Thanks and Best Regards


  • Hi ,
    Do you have any Project filter applied? This could be one reason why it isn't showing up in the view.
    You could also open the "Cluster.dbf" file using the Excel Plugin to see the actual data directly in the DBs. Each project folder has its own file. The Citect Studio will provide a unified view across all project folders (Active project and included projects).
    Good luck with the rest of your studies, hope you get it working as you need it to.
  • Sounds like Cluster1 may have been in the Include project.
    Include project is a little funny - I think it is included by default.
    There is a project filter on in your screen shot - make sure include is checked in the filter list.

    A 2nd thing to check is if the project is packed. Deleted records are only marked for deletion until packing .

    I think the filter is the beeter bet here.
  • The "Include" project is filtered out of most views by default because it contains code, graphics, and other items that come with Citect. You should not add to it or modify anything in the Include project. Any changes you make will be lost if you re-install Citect, install updates, or upgrade Citect. You can make your own included project (with a different name) if you want to put some definitions in an included project for organization. You can also copy things from the Include project (like Cicode functions, templates, symbols, etc.) into your project, then edit your copy.
  • As per previous comments, just a warning not to change the include project. The reason is that it isn't included in backups, and will compromise any backups/migrations that you do in future.
    If you need to tweak the "include" functionality, then copy the function into your own project, change the name of it, and find/replace all the references in your project to update them to your new version. (Example: if "SomeFunctionName() " is in the include project, then go find it and copy the definition of the cicode to "SomeFunctionName_SomeSuffix()" in your own project and find/replace "SomeFunctionName(" with "SomeFunctionName_SomeSuffix("
  • Hi Olivier, Michael, Eric Black, Willem

    Thanks all of you. The reason is the filter, now I can find it. But I would like to ask 1 more thing, what is the difference between this "Include" in the selection and the "Includes" tab in the "Projects" field? Because in the definition of the "Includes" tab of the "Projects" field, when I click to see more options to select at column "Include Project", I saw the word "Include" as well, so I confused about what is it.

    Thanks and Best Regards

  • Ok, so an Include project is a way you can structure or nest folders under a project. If you want you can put everything in a single project. But most customers use a structure, to make use of some benefits like having comms in a single project or pages/tags in different area projects. Basically you have a single "Active" project, then as many "Include Projects" as required, it can also go several levels deep. So in Citect Studio, you define that relationship via the "Projects > Includes" tab. For example, the ExampleSA project has the following includes defined:

    Then if you look at SA_Include, it includes the "Include" and "SA_Controls" projects.

    When you toggle "System Projects" view on, you will see the ExampleSA project now can be expanded to show them as nested include projects. But if it is all too daunting, just switch the System Projects view off. So you can just focus on projects you create.

    Now to confuse things even more, there is actually a project called "Include". This goes way back to when Citect was first developed. I think back in the V1.0 DOS days. This is basically a System Project that should not be modified.
  • Same project.
    The selection is off by default in order to discourage modifying it.
    Anyone can jump in here if I am wrong -
    It is automatically included - no way to remove it. It is there for the base templates, symbols, genies, super Genies, etc.
    It gives a way to use the features of these graphics and then to learn from them.

    It's a toss up whether to use these directly or modify and save in your own project. If you use the in-built ones, they are updated though the versions. If you copy to your own project under another name, you have to update them yourself (as the versions get updated). Doesn't happen often.

    Most projects are a mix - some customization, but there are a lot of "stock" pieces that work just fine without any modification.
  • Hi Olivier, Michael

    I got it. Thank you very much.