Remote Client - Hwr Alarm during startup [CTG/RDB] -SA Project


On my remote client computer I've installed the Runtime component only from Citect 2018 R2 main install file. 

The hardware alarm description is as follow:

Tag: "Animator"

Name: "Animator"

Description: "Page CTG/RDB record mismatch"


Error Description: "AN 6"

The help file states recompile project. I've done that on the server, run full backup, and Project restore on the remote client computer. 

The hardware alarm disappear after short time. The hardware alarm is not seen on the server client at startup. 

I've noted that that the content of the Remote Client  Project Folder ->User->MyProject is missing one file compared to the Server computer.

The file _funcsym.dbf is missing when I restore the project on the remote client. I copied the file manually across and

restarted the project but it did not help. 

Any tip and help that can help me narrow done this hwr alarm?



  • Rune,

    Did you turn off Incremental Compile? You could try to set the [Debug]EnableHardwareAlarmLogging parameter, maybe this gets you additional information. If you know which page triggers this error sometimes opening the page in the Graphics Builder and performing a Page Save As and thus overwritting it could resolve the issue.
  • Rune,

    Did you turn off Incremental Compile? You could try to set the [Debug]EnableHardwareAlarmLogging parameter, maybe this gets you additional information. If you know which page triggers this error sometimes opening the page in the Graphics Builder and performing a Page Save As and thus overwritting it could resolve the issue.
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