Client Citect SCADA cannot connect to server

Hi all

I tried to connect Citect SCADA Client to my Server.

The client hardware alaram shows "No IO Server Could Be found" same the thing for server Alarm and Report.

i find some document that say if you get "No IO Server Could Be found"  you should open ports (2082, 2083...) in the fire wall to connect client to the server. I tried to connect to IOServer Port 2082 Via Telnet but it dosent work.

When i usethis command on the server: Telnet 2082 its fine but when i change by The server IP adresse on the same machine its not working. i disabled the firewall but still not working. Then i made my local network private but still not working.

Can you plz help me

Thank you all

  • Hi every one
    I used the application portlistener to simulate the port 2082 and the command telnet worked well so the firewall does not block the port.
    Maybe im missing somthing in the Citect SCADA server configuration.
    I configured the server to run on Network configuration. thats the only parametre on the server that i changed to run Client-server architecture.
    Is there anything that im missing out?
  • Hi every one
    I used the application portlistener to simulate the port 2082 and the command telnet worked well so the firewall does not block the port.
    Maybe im missing somthing in the Citect SCADA server configuration.
    I configured the server to run on Network configuration. thats the only parametre on the server that i changed to run Client-server architecture.
    Is there anything that im missing out?
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