Alarm Server DigitalAlarmEvaluator Error

Getting this error in the trace logs of the alarm server
0 Error AlarmEngine DigitalAlarmEvaluator::Evaluate CLE.Tag1 Error evaluating 450
which means INVALID_TAG_DATA in the variable tag A column of the alarm config, from the preceding warning log. Tag Debug'd the tag and getting good quality and valid reads. checked everything else i could think of , can't see why the alarm server is unable to evaluate the tag.
Anyone encountered this before and resolved it ?
The post HERE seems to touch on the same but no resolution
  •  Thanks for the suggestion, I think this issue is being caused by an overloaded IO server (or IO device). Other symptoms occur when viewing a page with a lot of tags, the objects on the page are constantly flashing #COM. I tried setting [Alarm]Scantime to 5000 but this did not resolve the issue. Shutting down the alarm server will resolve the flashing #COM issue on the page however.

    I thought one solution would be to reduce the page scan time on the busy page, however in all my tests I haven't seen any change in the update rate of graphics on the page, as if the setting is having no effect. I've tried:

    • Setting the scan time in the page properties
    • Running PageSetInt(-2, 5000) at runtime
    • Setting [Page]Scantime = 5000 in Citect.ini

    The last two methods did at least result in the reported scan time (returned from PageGetInt(-2) run from the context of the problem page, via kernel) matching the set scan time. This was not the case when I set it via the page properties. In all cases though the genie animations were updating much more frequently than every 5 seconds, so I'm doubting the effect of this parameter.

  • Hi Philip,

    In a project we were on a couple of years ago, support indicated that the [page]scantime needs to be changed in conjunction with 2 other parameters in order to achieve the desired effect:

    [page]anmdelay and [animator]flashtime

    Hope that helps


  • Thanks Stuart, that did seem to slightly reduce the frequency of the animation. I also confirmed in csatopsi.subs that the majority of tags were now subscribed with an update rate of 5000ms. The issue still remains, but at least I I know more about page scan times!

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