Genie Rename

I have a bunch of genies in the libraries that I need to rename (mainly due to typo, naming convention errors, prefix&suffix them so search returns just the genie refs rather than everything with that same string in it...).

I feel kinda foolish asking (like it should be obvious right?) - but after an hour of skimming through the help and forum, I can't find anything that seems to address this.

Sorry if this was a stupid question.

Actually - same issue with labels and CiCode function names (ie they need same renaming work).

Parents Reply
  • Any idea how to delete a graphic library?  Deleted everything that was in it - but can't find a library delete option from Studio or GB...
    Also - a tip.  Don't save pages with a leading underscore from GB.  It let's you and then after creating a whole bunch of them I compiled and realised that it is not allowed Disappointed

    (another use for proper renaming option...)
