Vijeo Citect Historian Web Client is not supported on window 8.1 or window server 2012 operation systems.

Hi all,

Current Server Window version : Windows 8.1

Historian Version : V4.6

When i entry into vijeo historian and click into "web client".

The message is appeared "Historian web client is not supported on windows 8.1/Windows Server 2012 Operating system".

Here is my question:

1. Which windows version is supported to this historian web client application ?

2. How can i fix this issue instead of downgrade window version ?


  • Hi  ,

    An updated version of Citect Historian 2016 was released in early 2017 which provides support for Windows Server 2016 and SQL Server 2016. It can be downloaded from the Support Website via the Product Hub:

  • Hi  

    Does hot fix release solve the window support version of the historian web client ?

    Because i find that the window support version of historian server is different with the web client.

    For example , historian server is supported on window 8.1 but web client is not supported on windows 8.1.

  • The question is: what do you mean by web client? When you click 'Web Client' on the Historian landing page, it opens the web client in Internet Explorer. You should be able to log in. You shouldn't get an error yet.

    Next, you get a row of buttons (home, log out, user admin, web client, process analyst, help). The main trend/alarm viewer is the Process Analyst. That should work. However, if you click the web client button, that opens the legacy web client viewer that came before Process Analyst. That legacy web client is where you should see the Windows8/1/Server 2012 error. I know the legacy web client can do some things that PA doesn't, but unfortunately, it's not available on newer operating systems.

  •  Thanks for your comment , just found the citect historian hotfix notice , it has mentioned that the restriction and limitations of this patch, for CitectHistorian 2016 doesnot support web client on Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012.

    1. Does it mean the web client is not support on Window 8.1 and Window 8 ? (Window Server 2012 based on windows 8)

    2. The final solution should be the system downgrade to Window 7 if i need to use the web client feature , please correct me if i am wrong.

  • Hi  

    Downgrading your OS, while it might temporarily get around that problem, at some point you going to need to upgrade the OS and also Windows 7 is End of Life as of 2020.

    Given Citect Historian is no longer being actively developed, this might be a good time to migrate to AVEVA Historian. Until 31 December 2021 significant discounts are being offered for customers to Migrate from Citect Historian to AVEVA Historian. You can contact your local Schneider Office for more info about licenses and migrating your history as well.

  • Hi  

    Thanks for your suggestion , the EOL of Window 7 is my concern also . AVEVA historian may be the best choice of this situation.

  • I believe you could just run Windows 7 on your client computer, or on a virtual machine where you run the web client and the legacy web client viewer if you need that in addition to Process Analyst, which works on newer OS's.