Possible missing operand between tags (W1021)


I'm doing an upgrade from CitectSCADA 7.2 to AVEVA Plant SCADA 2020R2.

During compile I get the following warning:

Possible missing operand between tags (W1021)

The context is:


Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

  • You have 2 separate commands. Each one needs to end with a semicolon. By using a + sign in between them, you have an expression -- to calculate the sum of the values returned from the two functions. It would technically work if you turned the expression into a command by writing something like ResultTag = AssWin("P_motor",210,100,1+2+4+8,"T51_OR1_FORC","T51_OR1_START","T51_OR1_STOPP","T51_OR1_FORC")+WinTitle("=51:1");

    However, the correct way to do it would be:



  • Thanks a lot for your quick replys!

    However the compiler still gives the same warning and context...thou I replaced the + with ;

    I attach a screenshot of the object which use this code:



  • OK - I'm not sure if you can have two statements in the earlier graphics keyboard commands.  You could test this by moving the 2 statements into a function and call that function from the button.

    Another method would be to get it out of the Page Keyboard commands and into the project - a bit more of a pain if you want the pop-up from only this page.

    I'm trying to figure out the "Page Keyboard Commands" dialog - this looks to be earlier graphics.  You may just want to add the symbol with the latest graphics builder - that can easily handle two commands per item.

  • OK - I'm not sure if you can have two statements in the earlier graphics keyboard commands.  You could test this by moving the 2 statements into a function and call that function from the button.

    Another method would be to get it out of the Page Keyboard commands and into the project - a bit more of a pain if you want the pop-up from only this page.

    I'm trying to figure out the "Page Keyboard Commands" dialog - this looks to be earlier graphics.  You may just want to add the symbol with the latest graphics builder - that can easily handle two commands per item.

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