Got license from remote server

Hi all,

I have a clustered architecture with 6 servers. Eah server has a dongle with different license point limit.

When I start the display client, sometime it get a remote license from another server with less licPointLimit. That cause the stop of the display client.

This trace is the startup of a dispay client on SRV-CITECT1 (with it's own dongle 5000points) and we see it got a remote license from PC-SOGEPII (with 500 points).

Is there a way to force the client to get the license on localhost?

2022-02-08 16:50:43.687 +01:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:ProtInit, licRunMode: 0x23eb
2022-02-08 16:50:43.721 +01:00 Runtime (32 bit) ServiceDisplayClient (PID 23828) Startup 8.30
2022-02-08 16:50:43.846 +01:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:licWait, Attempting to acquire a remote license
2022-02-08 16:51:03.850 +01:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:ProtGotLicence, Got license from remote server: PC-SOGEPII, licPointLimit: 500, licEndDate: 0, licGrantPeriod: 0, licProtocolCount: -1, licProtocolNames: ''