Displaying trend

Whenever trend page is displaying trend is not coming for default added panes but after adding a single tag at runtime all graphs are showing together. please help me on this?

  • You might need to add more details. What version of Citect are you using?

    Are you using legacy Trend page or Process Analyst?

    If Process Analyst, are you using Cicode to programmatically add pens to your pane? Or using PAV file to load the pens?

    It might be worth raising a support ticket with AVEVA to troubleshoot this further.

  • Thanks Olivier Sir

    Citect version is 2018. I am using Process Analyst. I have added trend tags at builder page in Process Analyst one by one.

    after this whenever going for runtime, on trend page display my tags are not showing on trend graph but at same page when i added one more tag while runtime all tags are showing together.

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