Help on exporting Citect SCADA reports to Excel

Hello Everyone,

I am working on reports in Vijeo Citect V7.40. I want to generate a report whenever I press the button. I am able to generate it according to date like making a Cicode file and adding the form, whenever I press the button form will open to give me the option to select the date. Similarly, I am trying to make a form for a time also. Can someone guide me on how to do this?

STRING sdate,edate,Em,D,M,Y;

D = DateDay(TimeCurrent());
M = DateMonth(TimeCurrent());
Y = DateYear(TimeCurrent(),1);

sdate= "Start Date";
edate= "End Date";
INT hChannel_M;

FormNew("Select Report date..",38,2,16);
FormInput(20,0,"DD-MM-YYYY Format",Em,20);

D = DateDay(TimeCurrent());
M = DateMonth(TimeCurrent());
Y = DateYear(TimeCurrent(),1);

FormComboBox(2 ,0, 15, 6, sDate, 1);
FormAddList(D + "-" + M + "-" + Y);
FormButton(8 ,1 ,"Select",0, 1);
FormButton(16 ,1 ,"Cancel",0, 2);


D = DateDay(StrToDate(sdate)); //DateAdd Will convert only when the date is in System Date Format
M = DateMonth(StrToDate(sdate));
Y = DateYear(StrToDate(sdate),1);
START_DATE_TIME = Y + "-" + M + "-" + D;

D = DateDay(DateAdd(StrToDate(sdate),86400)); //DateAdd Will convert only when the date is in System Date Format
M = DateMonth(DateAdd(StrToDate(sdate),86400));
Y = DateYear(DateAdd(StrToDate(sdate),86400),1);

END_DATE_TIME = Y + "-" + M + "-" + D;

VbCallRun(VbCallOpen("GetRep", START_DATE_TIME, END_DATE_TIME));
This is my code for date selection.