Ciect scada Connector

I am running Aveva (Citect) Scada  8.2 and  Aveva Historian 2020 R2 with Citect connector. The connector only brings over trend tags. Is there a way to get it to bring over historized Citect Tags?

  • Yes, you'll just need to set the variable tag historize flag to true. Restart both Citect and the connector. Just keep in mind that you will loose data when the connector is off line as it can't back fill from the trend tags. When using the trend tags, the connector keeps a record of the last sample that has pushed to the historian, and picks up from that point. It can't do that with straight variable tags. The connector will also bring over alarms too that are set to historize BTW.

    Your situation may be different that ours, but we set all alarm (you don't get charged for alarm/event tags in the WW historian) and trend tags to historize but not the variable tags. If we want a tag to be historized, we create a trend tag that is historize, that way the data can be trended both locally and on the historian.

  • All variables are set to true in the historize column, still not pulling variables, only trend tags.

  • Ah, thanks for the clarification, and sorry about that. Are you running the latest version of the connector with the latest patch? Have you set the options to poll the variable tags? Are any of the tags named that same as the trend tags? I just looked through the help again, it looks like it only pulls digital and string data types for the variable tags. We're using connector version 3.0 with the latest patch applied.

    Have you looked at the connector logs?

    To view connector events

    1. Start SMC. To do so, from the Start menu, select Programs, select Wonderware Utilities, and then select System Platform Management Console.
    2. From the left navigation menu, select Archestra System Manager, select Log Viewer, select Default Group, and then select Local.
  •  not all types of data can be transferred to the Aveva Historian, which data are having the problem?

  • Got that from the response above. I was hoping to get the analogs as my config is analog heavy, and we originally got citect historian primarily to reduce storage on the server. Having to create trends to capture this data is counter productive. Hopefully a Eva will correct this issue.

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  • Hi  ,

    The Citect Connector only supports String and Digital data types for Variable tag. As others have stated, Variable tags aren't preferred method, since there is chance of lost data when restarting Connector. The reason String and Digital variable tag support was added is that Trend doesn't support String data type, and digital is not efficiently stored in Trend tags. I think your best approach is to create short term Trend tag (store about 2 weeks of data) for each Variable you need.

  • Yeah, as previously stated, my system is heavily analog. When continuity of data is necessary I create a trend, but often the data is more for troubleshooting anomalies, in those time I often need far more information than I need to trend. Citect historian gave me that as it historized all variables that I indicated true, not just strings and digitals. I get that short term trends are the solution, but now I have to go through he process for 500 new trends. Ideally Aveva would have provided a solution for these circumstances instead of increasing the cost and forcing an upgrade that does not carry over all of the functionality of the outmoded software.

          I am hoping Aveva pays attention to these sites. I get the majority of customers this format works well for. Unfortunately it does not for me. Well back to entering data in the trend table.