Problem Reading Swapped Byte Float Data

We have L&T's Series 4000 Energy Meters wherein the Data is available in Float Data Type with Swapped Byte. We have Tried using FloatMode = 1 in Modbus Parameters and We need to read data from 2 registers 40159 & 40160 the Variable type created is Real still we are unable to get the data which otherwise is easily available on ModScan and other such softwares.
Software Version Vijeo Citect 2018
  • Because you mentioned you entered FloatMode=1 in MODBUS parameter section, I assume this is the serial Modbus protocol, using MODBUS driver in Citect. If you are using ethernet modbus with driver MODNET, you should place the parameters in the MODNET section. Can you explain which protocol you use in your I/O device configuration?

    Have you tried all possible FloatMode modes (0 to 3) yet?

    Do you have success with single register values, like integers? Or do you experience an address shift (1 address higher or lower than your device documentation)?

    Are you sure it is a floating point number? For double-integers (type LONG in Citect) you can adjust another parameter called LongDataType.

  • Yes it is a Modbus RTU device using serial communication. I ahve used Modbus Protocol in configuration of device.

    Yes I have tried all the FloatModes(0-3) and with all of them the result is same.

    Integer was the first thing I had tried as we have used other device which responded with integers.

    Yes I have tried the register shift also +1 & -1 from the documented 40159 but in vein

    Yes I am sure it is a floating point number as I am getting the perfect result in float data type in other software such as ModScan32 MBtester etc.

    Long has also been tried out.

    I have done all the above things. If you have any other suggestions also please do help.

    Thanks though for the above suggestions.

    Also there was s no response from Aveva Support team even after mailing them twice.

    Looking forward to have the solution from this forum.

  • Hi  ;
    Can you please indicate how you raised your support request?
    Which email address did you use to send the question?

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