Alarm print

How can CitectSCADA be configured to print alarms as they appear in the active alarms list?

  • Hi  ,

    Can you confirm what template you have used in your project?

    With the Situational Awareness templates (SA_Include) there doesn't appear to be a print alarm page button or feature.

    But if you look at the Tab based templates (Tab_Style_Include) there is a print button there which will output the alarm list to html and allow you to print or export. See the Example project for this.

    Another option could be to make use of the alarm log device (see "AlarmDisk" in Include project) which is just a simple text file that should be fairly simple to open/print via cicode.

    Let us know how you get on with this.

    Kind regards


  • Hi!

    I connected my Citect HMI printer (Windows XP) to kiosk Printer via USB port. Now whenever there is an alarm tag shown on the Alarm page on the HMI printer, the alarm taglines are automatically printed on printing paper.

    But the problem here is the first alarm tag line is printed in the first page and then again next alarm line prints on the next page (the remaining space in the first page is empty) and then page cuts continues. It means in one page only one line prints and cuts and then next page only one alarm tagline ...and so on.

    So now what I want is ...I would like to set up the printer in such a way that when FIRST ALARM comes the printer prints the line. That's ok. Then SECOND ALARM should be printed on the second line of the same page instead of printing on second page.

    Could anyone please suggest how to configure the printer in that way?

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