Trend Copy to clipboard or SaveAs in process analyst view


We configured trend tags to have 15 minutes sample period (00:15:00). In process analyst display, 15 minutes interval was seen (points visible) but when I used to SaveAs or Copy to Clipboard, the interval is not 15 minutes. Anybody help? I expected that the copied data into the file is in 15 minutes interval as declared in sample period. I am using PlantSCADA 2020R2.

Thanks to all

Felix C

  • Check out:  (Missing Forum Reply) 

    This code exports trend data to CSV files, and it includes a function called PaTrnExportCSV() which exports all the pens in the specified Process Analyst pane to a CSV file. The currently displayed begin/end times of the selected pen will be used for the export. The fastest sample rate of all the pens in the selected pane will be used for all pens, which I think is what you need.

  • This PaTrnExportCSV() function doesn't work when there are alarms on your Process Analyst pane. It works fine with only trend pens.

  • Thanks for letting me know. I had never tested it with alarms displayed (and I don't think too many people have used the PaTrnExportCSV() function).

    I made a new version (1.24) with the following changes:

    Fixed error exporting with non-trend pens in PA. They are now skipped.
    PaTrnExportCSV() now uses pen names (from the Object View) in the export file header (which are from the trend comment, by default)
    PaTrnExportCSV() now ignores unchecked (hidden) pens

    Trend Export v1.24 Citect

    Please let me know how it works for you.

    Note that there appears to be a problem with the Citect Toolbox. It won't let me edit the Trend Export CSV Multi posting, or upload a new release. I'll upload v1.24 there when they tell me it's fixed.

  • Thanks for letting me know. I had never tested it with alarms displayed (and I don't think too many people have used the PaTrnExportCSV() function).

    I made a new version (1.24) with the following changes:

    Fixed error exporting with non-trend pens in PA. They are now skipped.
    PaTrnExportCSV() now uses pen names (from the Object View) in the export file header (which are from the trend comment, by default)
    PaTrnExportCSV() now ignores unchecked (hidden) pens

    Trend Export v1.24 Citect

    Please let me know how it works for you.

    Note that there appears to be a problem with the Citect Toolbox. It won't let me edit the Trend Export CSV Multi posting, or upload a new release. I'll upload v1.24 there when they tell me it's fixed.

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