Server Client Process Status

Using Citect 2018 R2 + update 7, I need to determine if the client process of my servers is active or inactive. I'm determining the equivalent status for all IO, Trend and Alarm server processes by using ServerIsOnline(), but I don't think this can be used for the client process?

So instead I'm trying to set a variable tag within the client process startup function then use the value of this tag to determine active/inactive, but this is proving problematic I think due to the timing of processes starting up?

Can anyone suggest a cleaner way of deriving if a server CLIENT process is active (running) or not.


  • Hi  

    What are you trying to achieve, might be a different way to do it?

    Have you looked into the ServerInfoEx() function, I know you can get clients attached to a server, not sure if it includes its own client on that server you specify. You can look into that if it helps. let us know how it goes Slight smile

  • Hi Richard,

    Apologies, I must have missed your reply!

    Thanks for your suggestion. I did look at various options including ServerInfoEx() but nothing I tried solved the problem. We have now had a re-think and instead are moving certain key tasks from the server client process to a new (redundant) IO server process. I therefore no longer need to know the active/inactive status of the server client process and can use ServerIsOnline() on the new IO server process just like I'm already doing for all the others!

    In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have put certain key tasks on the server client process in the first place! :-)

    Thanks again for your reply, much appreciated!

