TrnExportCSV Error 529


I am testing a cicode function, TrnExportCSV. Version is Vijeo Citect 2015 7.50 SP1 P38.

When ran in the kernel, it returns Unknown Error 529. Main window says Not Enough Arguments for Function TrnExportCSV.

It is

TrnExportCSV("c:\temp\trndata.csv", TimeCurrent(), 60, 60, 1, "TagName")

I can't see anything I am missing per the functions description in cicode help.

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  • I've used TrnExportCSV with large numbers of samples in the past and haven't run into this limit. The code looks like it's designed to read trend samples in blocks of 256 samples until it finishes. There may be a bug limiting it in this may want to contact support.

    Or, you could download the TrnExportCSVMulti() Cicode from the Toolbox. It exports an unlimited number of samples, with a larger max number of trend tags, is faster than TrnExportCSV, and produces smaller output files (no extra spaces). The limitation is that it doesn't do DBF files, clipboard, or event trends.

  • Thank you Eric, I will try that. I was wondering why the .csv file was so big for just a few hundred samples.