Process Analyst View functions

Is it possible to manipulate attributes of a displayed Process Analyst View - such as End Time or Time Span - using Cicode? 

As a starting point, I am hoping to open an existing .PAV file that has a span of 5 weeks (which is easily done with a pushbutton or using page Properties > Events > On Page Entry command), and then automatically set the end time to 00:00:00 on the first day of next month.  This way the operator will see trend pens for the month to date, and a blank section for the remainder of the current month.  If I can achieve that, I would also like to be able to manipulate other attributes in real time if possible, such as the Time Span or Start Time, the Number of Samples on the page, and the "Request Mode" (min/max/avg) of the displayed pens.  These are all properties that can be preset into a .PAV file, but I can't see information about whether they can be modified once the process analyst view is displayed.  To be clear, I am aware that an operator can adjust any of these properties manually.  I'm hoping to be able to use a cicode function or pushbuttons to make the adjustments.  

I'm using Citect SCADA v2018 R2. 

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