Background Colour Alarm Lines


unfortunately, the background color of an alarm line is only behind the alarm text and not over the complete with of a row.

This does not look good and it is furthermore error-prone by displacing a row.


Does anybody know, if it is possible to get an alarm line completely filled with the background color while using a proportional font?

(Using a true type font as described in TN000028999 (TN6822) is not an option)

The alarm list currently looks like:

Alarm List - Current Situation

Preferred Option 01: Background Color over complete width

Alarm List - Option 1

Preferred Option 02: Background Color over complete width (column separators excluded)


  • The trick I always use is:

    1. Put the original alarm list (all AN-numbers) outside of the viewable screen area
    2. Create a genie for a single alarm line and use AlarmGetDsp() to read alarm properties from the AN-numbers off-screen. You can use standard Graphics Builder elements to animate your alarm line genie, like standard text objects in each column, or a rectangle filled with colors according to the alarm status.
    3, Paste the genie x times on a page to create your personal alarm list
    4. Draw a header line on top of the list

  • The trick I always use is:

    1. Put the original alarm list (all AN-numbers) outside of the viewable screen area
    2. Create a genie for a single alarm line and use AlarmGetDsp() to read alarm properties from the AN-numbers off-screen. You can use standard Graphics Builder elements to animate your alarm line genie, like standard text objects in each column, or a rectangle filled with colors according to the alarm status.
    3, Paste the genie x times on a page to create your personal alarm list
    4. Draw a header line on top of the list

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