Read tag quality from OPCUA server

Over the last few months I've been migrating an older Citect v7.2 application to PlantSCADA 2020 R2 (Update 10) and as part of this all the OPCDA comms channels have been converted to OPCUA.

This has covered thousands of tags and everything has worked out fine until I noticed I have a problem with 4 tags.

These are all of the format <tagname>!Q

Its my understanding this was an acceptable way to read the tag quality in OPCDA and "Good" quality was equal to 192.

I can't simply scrap these tags since there is existing alarms and mimic animation behaviour associated with them.

In OPCUA I've tried using the syntax ns=2;s=<tagname>!Q but I'm getting nothing back

Any assistance or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

