In Citect SCADA 2016, how to import libraries from another project

Hello All,

We are working in Citect scada 2016 (version 8.0). We have a referance project with its own library of Symols, genies etc. We want to same library.

If we include the referance project in our porject then entire library is availble for use however we want to avoid that for some other reason.

Is there any method by which we can export library of symbols/genies from other project and import in current devolopement projects.

Thanks in advance...


  • I have never done a batch copy of files from one project directory to another project directory, so I cannot say if that would work without incident. Patrick seems to think it will work, and I will defer to his knowledge on that point. However, I have done what you are asking about in the past on an individual basis. Open up the item you want to copy over in the graphics builder, then do a "Save As" to the new project you want it to go with. If you've got hundreds of items to work with, it would be more cumbersome, but a handful at a time is no big deal.

  • I have never done a batch copy of files from one project directory to another project directory, so I cannot say if that would work without incident. Patrick seems to think it will work, and I will defer to his knowledge on that point. However, I have done what you are asking about in the past on an individual basis. Open up the item you want to copy over in the graphics builder, then do a "Save As" to the new project you want it to go with. If you've got hundreds of items to work with, it would be more cumbersome, but a handful at a time is no big deal.
