Need for speed: Run multiple instances of equipment generator (EquipGen.exe) in parallel.

Is it possible to run multiple instances of the equipment generator (EquipGen.exe) on one Computer on different core’s?
This to speed up the generation for example if an Equipment type is changed.

At a Customer we have a project where the equipment editor and generation is used (not my choice). This to create the Variable.dbf, trend.dbf and digalm.dbf. At this moment an “Update equipment” will cost hours, it does not matter if incremental update equipment is on or off, it is too long!

In the equipment there is some sort of logic, it is possible to split them over several projects.

I’m able to start by batch scrips a instance of the equipment editor to generate the DBF files on a specific project. See command below, REV_VBL is one of the project names. Running multiple instance at the same time by manually starting different batch file with different project name, fails.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA Plant SCADA\Bin\EquipGen.exe" /I"C:\ProgramData\AVEVA Plant SCADA 2023\Config\citect.ini" "REV_VBL" "C:\ProgramData\AVEVA Plant SCADA 2023\User\REV_VBL"

  • Hi  ,

    I feel your pain. I also observed similar performance issues when engineering projects using Equipment Editor.

    There are some underlying technologies which are hampering its performance (e.g. the dbase driver) and also the number of sweeps that the Equipment Editor needs to do (read, compare, update delta).

    This is something the R&D team is aware of and is working towards addressing. I hope we will be able to provide an update to this soon. If you can, also please post something on the Aha Ideas Forum for Citect:

    Ok, so if I was in your shoes, this is what I would do:

    1. Separate Equipment and tags into their own Include Project (safely away from any manually entered or non-equipment generated tags).

    2. Develop a script or batch file that replaces the variable, trend, and alarm dbf files (and any other dbf that gets populated by your equipment template instances)

    3. Run the update of Equipment.

    I hope this suggestion helps.

    Kind regards


  • Hi  ,
    Thanks for the reply,

    The idea is submitted and more idea’s,

    The SCADA system exist of several projects, it is a library for tunnels. The project containing the tags is generated for 100%. Manual tags are not allowed.
    A batch file we have already in place, it replace files by a copy from the Include project.


    Kind regards,

  • Hi  ,
    Thanks for the reply,

    The idea is submitted and more idea’s,

    The SCADA system exist of several projects, it is a library for tunnels. The project containing the tags is generated for 100%. Manual tags are not allowed.
    A batch file we have already in place, it replace files by a copy from the Include project.


    Kind regards,
