Write a variable tag with control client

Hi everyone !

Software : Citect SCADA 2015 V7.50

I have recently purchase a control client licence in order to write some DISK variables in a distant server from a client.

So using the computer setup wizard, I have configured the role.

Then in a script, I would like to use the function "TagWrite()" to write the DISK variable.

To use the function TagWrite, you need to be logged in.

But when I try to log (using Login() function), all the communications crashs (the displayed variable becomes #COM state).

Can you help me with this problem ? Thank you all

  • Does the user that you are login into have a password?  I know in version 2020 forward passwords are required for security, so if one logs onto a system without a password, communications are cut off.

  • Check the syslog or trace log in .\Logs folder on your client machine where you may find out the cause.

    It is not possible to create a user and replicated this user across the entire system at runtime. So, all users or/and roles need to be created at design time and you should distribute the compiled projects to all nodes of your system (via Run/Copy or Backup/Restore as the deployment feature is unavailable in this version). Any discrepancy in the projects between the nodes at runtime will cause unpredictable problems. Thus, the login user must also exist on the remote servers. 

    It is worth trying to create a new user on your engineering machine. Then restore the compile the projects on both server and client sides. Hope this would be helpful in resolving your issue.

  • Yes the user does have a password. I didn't assigned any roles though.
    But I did the exact same thing on a server and it worked fine, the login() function doesn't crash the com (except in this case I'm using a licence server and "Server and Control Client" role in the Computer Setup Wizard).