I wrote a small .NET assembly to dispatch some notifications, but that assembly uses a few things:
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
Is that okay? Those are all things that come with the PlantSCADA 2023 version of .NET (which is version 4.8).
The first thing I wrote to test was this:
public string test()
return "hello";
That worked great. The second thing I did formed a JSON message and sent it as an HTTP POST. That didn't work - from the CiCode side, the function call returns, but it doesn't return any content. My thinking here is it's a dependency management problem.
Cicode side:
STRING dllPath = "C:\work\aveva\Squadcast\bin\Debug\net48\Squadcast.dll"
STRING result;
squadcastClient= DllClassCreate(dllPath, "SquadcastClient")
IF DllClassIsValid(squadcastClient) <> 1 THEN
msg = IntToStr(squadcastClient);
Message("Error", msg, 0);
result = DllClassCallMethod(squadcastClient, "test");
Message("result", "returned " + result, 0);