WebServer Redundancy in PlantScada 2020 R2

Hello Everyone,

We are had configured two servers Primary and Secondary to serve data to the local clients. The Primary server we configured as Web server also to serve data to the web client. The web clients accessing the data from the outside for the local network, this is done by assigning Public static IP (Port forwarding/IP forwarding). Now we want to configure Standby server as a redundant Web server when Primary server fails the Standby web server should serve the data to web client with the same URL (Same Public Static IP which is used for Web Server-1). Can anybody guide me how we can achieve this and what are the configuration need to be done.

Thanks & Regards


  • Hi  ,

    Unfortunately, Web Server redundancy is not supported by Plant SCADA.

    There are external applications and solutions available. I can't recommend any unfortunately, so you will need to do your own research.

    Have a look for key words such as "load balancing" or "failover" for Web Server solutions.

    Please also note that the legacy Web Server has been deprecated in Plant SCADA 2023. We are encouraging customers to make use of Plant SCADA Access Anywhere in the interim.

    Kind regards


  • Hi  ,

    Unfortunately, Web Server redundancy is not supported by Plant SCADA.

    There are external applications and solutions available. I can't recommend any unfortunately, so you will need to do your own research.

    Have a look for key words such as "load balancing" or "failover" for Web Server solutions.

    Please also note that the legacy Web Server has been deprecated in Plant SCADA 2023. We are encouraging customers to make use of Plant SCADA Access Anywhere in the interim.

    Kind regards


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