Equipment Tree for Multiple Clusters

For single plant with multiple clusters, the active alarms equipment tree appears per following image,; each cluster has its own root node.

However, since the equipment is actually common to both clusters, it is preferable that the equipment tree appears per the following image, with a single root node and the alarms from both clusters combined into the equipment nodes. Is it possible to have the equipment tree appear in this way? Using CitectSCADA 2018R2.

  • Hi Dave,

    I assume you are using the Workspace (SA_Include)

    The answer is that it is possible, but not out of the box and requires you to extend some of the workspace code in the SA_Include project.

    In general the workspace code including treeview should just work pretty much as is when clusters are merged into a single model.

    The main modification required will be in the model loader found in SA_Include\
    During load you will need to merge the model and make sure it doesn't have any anomalies. Make sure cluster information is retained per equipment though.


  • Thank you for your prompt reply Brad. No I am not using SA - or any of the SA projects. I will take a look in the direction you have pointed me though, but in the non-SA workspace. Then I will update this discussion thread. 

  • Are you using SxW? If so, it does have this capability.

    You can add a parameter to configure it: (ini, or in params table)
