Trending Data Plant Scada 2023


We upgraded Vijeo Citect 7.4 to Plant Scada 2023. We followed the upgrade path information. However, we are encountering some issues with our Trend data.

All our trend tags have been configured to trend every 10 seconds.

We're having instances where we're receiving the error code 262 which relates to Cannot open file but these trend files are all being written to the same location and the error doesn't appear for other trend files in the same location. 

Has anyone ever experienced a similar problem? Is there anyway to determine the cause of the error code 262 assuming it isn't a privilege issue because the other files in the same location are accessible.

Additionally, when using the Trend Reader application we are seeing NA in the values for the trending data.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you look in the logs folder, you can find the syslog.dat file for the trend process. You should see messages logged during startup for any trend files it's having a problem with. If it says the file settings don't match the trend tag settings, then you could use Trend Reader to check those settings in the file and modify the trend tag to match (sample rate, files, period, etc.). Or, you may need to delete the .HST and numbered data files for that trend tag so it can create new ones on startup. Older Citect trend servers would sometimes partially work with corrupted trend files, while newer trend servers refuse to use bad files.

    If necessary, you may be able to use the Trend Reader or Bulk Trend Export tools to export any usable data from partially corrupted files, then TrnImportCSV() tool, also from the Toolbox, to import the data into a new, empty, trend.

  • If you look in the logs folder, you can find the syslog.dat file for the trend process. You should see messages logged during startup for any trend files it's having a problem with. If it says the file settings don't match the trend tag settings, then you could use Trend Reader to check those settings in the file and modify the trend tag to match (sample rate, files, period, etc.). Or, you may need to delete the .HST and numbered data files for that trend tag so it can create new ones on startup. Older Citect trend servers would sometimes partially work with corrupted trend files, while newer trend servers refuse to use bad files.

    If necessary, you may be able to use the Trend Reader or Bulk Trend Export tools to export any usable data from partially corrupted files, then TrnImportCSV() tool, also from the Toolbox, to import the data into a new, empty, trend.
