Unack alarm status priority on alarm borders

Is there a way to configure the alarm server or alarm borders to show an unack lower priority alarm over higher priority on but acknowledged alarms?  We need to show unacked alarms even if they are of lower priority than a higher priority alarm which has been acknowledged, as once they are acknowledged, they are taken as read.  (I know, a customer who actually uses the alarm system as intended)  

  • In not sure I'm fully understating the question but what I think you want to do is show unacknowledged alarm at the top of the alarm page regardless of priority ?

    If so add the field column 'logstate' to the alarm page, sort on that column then save the view. Should give you what you want.

  • Thanks Daryl, I appreciate I wasn't very clear in this question.  I was referring to the alrm border fuctionality which is used on individual equipment graphics to show what the most important alarm condition for a particular piece of equipment.  For example, if there was an unacknowledged priority 1 alarm, the border might look like this:

    When the priority 1 alarm is acknowledged, it will look like this:

    Then when the priority 1 alarm is cleared to healthy, it will disappear:

    So far so good.  There is a similar set of pictures for a priority 2 alarm, but the colour will be different

    The trouble is, that this indication is biased towards the highest priority, so If it has an acknowledged priority 1 alarm, this will show rather than the unacknowledged lower priority alarm:

    We would prefer for this to show as yellow (it also flashes, which isn't shown of course), as the operator has acknowledged the red alarm already

  • Have a look for "Highest Priority Order".  You can default the server to either mode

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