I have encountered a strange problem with trend exporting that I'm hoping someone might have advice for. It appears to be related to one particular I/O device, which happens to provide REAL data via Modnet (all other devices on site give INT/DINT data, also via Modnet). Periodic trending samples the device at 5 second intervals.
Every month we run a TrnExportCSV that is set up to export 15-minute averages (condense method = 0 = mean) for the past month. A lot of these exported averages are coming back as "n/a", and it appears to be because among the valid logged floating point data is the occasional value of "1" (without the quotation marks). Any 15-minute period containing a "1" results in an "n/a" in the .csv file (so there can be 179 valid numbers, and a single "1", and that is enough to break the averaging).
I tried including Mode = 4 (Ignore any invalid or gated values) in the TrnExportCSV parameters, but all that did was produce a blank cell instead of an "n/a" cell in the csv file. It doesn't just omit the invalid value and calculate the average using only the valid numbers as I was hoping it would.
Any ideas how this can be overcome? (and why these occasional strange values of "1" might be appearing in the first place?)
(Unfortunately, 1.00 is a valid value for all of the tags affected, so excluding values of 1 is not an option)