momentary setting a digital tag

I am trying to create a button that will set a digital tag to 1 momentarily then change it back to zero. Tried putting %Tag%=1 in the mouse down field and %Tag%=0 in the mouse up field, but that did not work. Wondered if there was maybe a way to automatically toggle twice with one click, "Toggle(%Tag%) " "insert some kind of delay here then" "Toggle(%Tag%)" again?

Any help is appreciated.

  • Ok, I'm a little slow, it's been 20 years since I have worked on this project. My own fault here, I had a function assigned to the group properties and to the included rectangle that was offsetting the group function. Thanks for the help. And remember don't be me check "go to object" before thinking something that always worked before doesn't work now.

  • Ok, I'm a little slow, it's been 20 years since I have worked on this project. My own fault here, I had a function assigned to the group properties and to the included rectangle that was offsetting the group function. Thanks for the help. And remember don't be me check "go to object" before thinking something that always worked before doesn't work now.

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